2009 IR Awards
  The Concept
  List of Awards
  Evaluation Process
  Nominating Committee
  Event Program
  Media Partners
  Photo Gallery
  IR HandBook
 Previous Awards
  2008 IR Awards
  2007 IR Awards
  2003 IR Awards



Capital Link continues with the Annual Investor Relations Awards, a concept it introduced to the Greek market since 2003 and which is well established in most developed markets. Capital Link will conduct the IR Awards in Greece on an annual basis following the same principles and procedures.

The objective of the Awards is to identify and publicly acknowledge those companies and individuals who adopt and follow high standards in the fields of Corporate Governance, Financial Disclosure and Investor Relations. Also, to raise the profile and significance of the function of Investor Relations among listed companies and contribute to the further developments of this function in Greece.


Media Partners






Collection, Assesment & Certification of Results By:


Handbook Sponsors
